
The first question most people ask is, How much do you charge?

My husband always says if someone doesn't list their prices, you can't afford them! ;-)

Well, that's probably not true in my case.

Right now, I mainly take photos for those closest to me - my family and church family. If they choose to thank me for a session or event (whether by word or deed), praise the Lord! If they choose not to, praise the Lord!

Most people just don't understand it, but I leave the financial aspect of my photography ventures up to the Lord. And you know what? He is ever so faithful and kind to me!

So, you're not my family or friend? ;-) What will I charge you? Let's chat! Maybe we'll become friends!

If you’re looking for a wedding photographer, why don't you fill out this form with your request! If you're looking for any other type of session, please go here

If you're a friend just wanting to delightfully surprise me, I'd never turn down cold McD cokes, Chick-Fil-A gift cards, or choooooocolate! Always chocolate. :-) And this Amazon list is truly my all-things-photography wishlist!

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